Monday, June 23, 2008

Sturgeon Fishing with Jordan

Ben’s younger brother Jordan came up to Washington for his birthday this past weekend. We had so much fun while he was up here. On Friday we went Sturgeon fishing on the Columbia River. Now I have heard Sturgeon can get really big, but I never knew how big. Jordan hooked an over sized Sturgeon and it took him just over an hour to bring it in and when he did I about had a heart attack that thing was so big. The pictures posted don’t give it justice. Our guide estimated that the fish was between 8 to 9 feet long and about 450 pounds, it is estimated that they live up to 250 years. Good job Jordan.

The beginning of the fight.

This is once Jordan pulled it to the surface

Way to go Jordan

Ugly thing

Jordan was not the only one fishing that day Ben and I pulled in our fair share, but nothing as big as Jordan’s. I can say that these things like to fight I had a hard time pulling in the 38 incher I hooked.

Ben and I caught one at the same time

The greatest husband!

Ben and Jordan


Lauren Ricci said...

What a fun day! You and Ben really are a perfect match :-)

Loves you!

Warners said...

You forgot to metion in your 100 things that you are ALWAYS cold. You are still wearing the down coat in June!

Lauren Ricci said...

It's true, you are always cold!